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We offer our guests a choice between self-parking and valet parking. Please find details on both options below:

Valet Parking

Available to resort guests and patrons of resort banquet events and restaurants. Valet parking at The Royal Hawaiian is priced at the following:

Registered Hotel Guest – Included with $36.65, inclusive, Resort Charge

- Included in daily Resort Charge

- $33.00 with no Resort Charge

- Banquet - $ 15.00 with validation

- Restaurant/Bar – 4 hours complimentary with validation

  ($35.00 minimum purchase)

- $33.00 for any vehicle retrieved after 2:00 am or without validation

For restaurant patrons:

- Compliments of The Royal Hawaiian, A Luxury Collection Resort with a $35 minimum purchase at one of our   

   Restaurants or Bars if vehicle is retrieved before 2:00am.

- $33 (if vehicle is retrieved after 2:00am)



Self Parking

Self parking is available in the adjacent Sheraton Waikiki Beach Parking Garage at the following pricing:

- No charge with resort charge* fee/$25 per day without resort charge fee in place

- $8 (up to 12 hours) for non-guests attending banquets

For restaurant patrons:

- 4 hours or less is compliments of The Royal Hawaiian, A Luxury Collection Resort with a $35 minimum    

  purchase at one of our Restaurants or Bars

- $6 for 4-12 hours

-$25 for 12 to 24 hours

Lost tickets fee is $40.

Prices subject to change without notice.

*RESORT CHARGE:  Guests at The Royal Hawaiian have their parking fees for a single vehicle included in the Resort Charge. Learn more about the Resort Charge by clicking here.



Go Green Program Electric Cars and Chargers

Starwood and Kyo-ya Hotels installed 5 of the first electric car chargers on O'ahu at the shared lot between Sheraton Waikiki and The Royal Hawaiian, a Luxury Colelction Resort.

Two electric cars are also utilized by the two resorts for transportation purposes in an ettempt to reduce environmental pollution and lead the way to a greener future.

Please make use of these chargers available. For information please call: 808.923.7311.